- 1. Check-in at the hotel is possible with a valid passport or identity card. If the guest refuses to present the document, the hotel staff has the right to refuse check-in without refunding the cost of the first night's stay.
- 2. Smoking inside the building is strictly forbidden. The smoking area is outside. In the case of confirmed assumptions that a given person smokes in a place not intended for this, the guest will be charged a fine of PLN 200. In case of non-payment of the amount due resulting from the imposed financial penalty, the receptionist or manager has the right to call the police and security to the place.
- 3. Drug using is absolutely forbidden in the hotel.
- 4. The hotel is not responsible for items, money and valuables left on its premises. Valuables can be deposited at the reception.
- 5. The hotel day lasts from 14.00 to 11.00. The hotel is open 24 hours a day.
- 6. If you want to extend your stay, please report it as soon as possible, no later than 10.30, at the reception desk. The hotel does not guarantee that any room will be available.
- 7. All complaints are considered only with valid a receipt/invoice
- 8. Minors need to present identification such as a school ID or a health booklet, and if they're traveling unaccompanied by a legal guardian, they are required to have parental or legal guardian consent in order to stay overnight at Hotel Traffic in Wrocław.
- 9. If a minor's identity cannot be verified and/or if there is no legal consent for the overnight stay at Hotel Traffic in Wrocław, a front desk worker reserves the right to decline the reservation. In such instances, cancellation free of charge for each night beyond the first day will be applied.
- 10. Only hotel guests may stay in the rooms. All other guests are permitted to stay in the hotel bar. Non-hotel guests must leave the hotel before 10pm.
- 11. Please, try to remain silent between 10.00 p.m. and 6.00 a.m and respect other guests sleeping.
- 12. Hotel guests are fully financially responsible for all damages created during the stay. If the guest is charged for damage to hotel property, we reserve the right to charge the guest's payment card provided at check-in
- 13. In case of loss of the room card, the guest is obliged to immediately report to the reception in order to pay the fee of PLN 100
- 14. During the stay and after check-out, hotel guests can store their luggage in the storage room free of charge, but not longer than for 24 hours. If luggage is left for more than 24 hours, the luggage left at the hotel will be disposed of.
- 15. In the event of gross non-compliance with the regulations or inappropriate behavior, the manager or receptionist may order the person to leave the hotel; if the person does not comply with the instructions - also call the police and / or security to remove him from the facility. If a person who violates the regulations is asked to leave the hotel, he or she is not entitled to a refund for the unused night.
- 16. In all matters not included in the regulations and concerning the operation of the hotel (such as: ensuring order, protecting property, observing the rules of culture), guests are obliged to follow the instructions of the receptionist or manager.